By: Kaitlin Larson
Similar to the past two weeks, committee time was spent in a small group setting, where members finished solidifying action plans. The three small groups that committee members are a part of are Finance, Mission, and Education/School.
The Finance Committee focuses on the financial state of our parish and related issues such as collection, electronic giving, opportunities for fundraising, and looking at what will be best for our parish community in tackling our debt.
The Mission team assists the construction of the mission narrative and how our building blocks are present and carried out within our parish community.
Finally, the Education/School team looks at both the school community of ICSJ and their involvement with the parish community as well as education for our parishioners and families.
All committee members have worked hard to create reasonable and measurable action plans to better our parish community. Action plans and updates will continue to be shared with the parish community, offering new opportunities for leadership and involvement. Stay tuned!
The parish’s Mission Narrative is complete as well. It will be solidified at our final Parish Transformation meeting this coming week. The final Mission Narrative will also be shared with parishioners in the coming weeks. We feel that it truly captures what the ICSJ community has to offer and what we stand for. A big thank you is in place for Susan Bredemann and the Mission team for its construction.
We are approaching week 10, our final week of Parish Transformation. Thank you to the committee members and everyone’s dedication while we have undergone this process. We are excited to share what we have come up with and continue to grow our parish community.