Mass Intention & Mass Card Requests

Mass Intentions Immaculate Conception & St. Joseph Parishes are two Catholic churches in Chicago

Immaculate Conception and St. Joseph Parish offers the possibility for you to request that a Mass be celebrated for a particular intention.

Requesting a Mass intention means that you are asking that the grace of Christ’s sacrifice in his death and resurrection be applied for a particular purpose, for example, for a deceased person or a living person who is ill or in thanksgiving for a favor received. An intention can also be made for an occasion of a birthday, anniversary or special need, or it can be directed to a cause, such as an increase of vocations or respect for life. Usually, a single intention is attached to a given Mass. But it is also possible to gather several intentions in one Mass with exactly the same effect. 

To request Mass Intentions, please follow the two steps below: 

STEP 1:  Submit the Mass Intention Request Form.

Click the button below to submit a request. We will reply to you once your dates have been confirmed. If you have additional questions, please contact the parish office.

STEP 2:  Submit your Mass Intention contribution.

Customarily, a contribution of $10 per Intention is given to the Parish for offering the Mass. Parishioners may pay by clicking one of the buttons, below, or by sending check or cash to the Parish Office. You may also place an envelope containing your contribution in the Sunday collection basket, however we ask that you please make clear on the envelope that the contribution is for Mass Intentions.