ICSJ’s Pathways to Discipleship
Be the Face of Jesus and Change the World!
Pope Francis tells us, “One of the great challenges facing the Church in this generation is to foster in the faithful a sense of personal responsibility for the Church’s mission, and to enable them to fulfill that responsibility as missionary disciples, as a leaven of the Gospel in our world.”
While we refer to ourselves with many titles—Catholics, Christians and Chicagoans—we don’t often call ourselves disciples, let alone missionary disciples. A disciple is a person who knows how to pray, serve, grow, belong and share in Jesus’ name. As Catholics, we’re familiar with prayer, service, growing and belonging, however many of us are less comfortable actively sharing our faith with others—yet as His “missionary disciples”, Christ calls us to try to do all of these things as as part of the renewal of His Church.
Our ICSJ Mission Statement says, “We will be disciples on a joyful mission, constantly committed anew to praying, serving, growing, sharing and belonging in Jesus’ name.” But how can we be disciples on a mission? How can we be the face of Jesus, per our ICSJ Vision Statement? And how can ICSJ Parish help us?
With these questions in mind, we share Pathways to Discipleship, ideas for engaging in Prayer, Growth, Service, Sharing and Belonging, whether as part of an organized ICSJ parish ministry or activity, or privately on your own. Our hope is that committing anew to one, some (or all!) of these ideas will lead all of us to fresh encounters with Jesus, and deepen our faith.
Click the links above to scroll to the ideas

Imagine having a deep, rich prayer life which brings clarity, comfort, hope and joy into your life and to others!
Liturgical Ministry
Experience anew the deep, rich, joyful beauty of our faith by directly participating in Mass as a sacristan, greeter, usher, Eucharistic Minister, altar server, lector, or children's liturgy assistant.
For more information, visit our Liturgical Ministry page or contact Angela Gore
Prayer Connection
Pray with us! Join our Rosary group or pray at-home for the intentions of those who reach out to our church.
For more information, visit our Prayer Connection page or contact Angela Gore
Holy Rosary Group
We invite you to join us in the joyful and rewarding work of pray for the intentions of our parishioners and lifting others up through prayer through our Holy Rosary Zoom gatherings.
For more information, contact Angela Gore
Additional Ideas:
Pray at home as a couple/family, perhaps before a meal
Pray for the person in front of you on the Bus, in traffic.
Ask a friend what you can pray for them about.
At Mass pray for the person in front of you.
Pray before you eat at a restaurant.
Spend a few minutes in silence each day and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you where God may need you today.
Pray for our RCIA candidates.
Pray for our ICSJ students who will receive their sacraments this school year.
Pray for ICSJ School 8th graders who are preparing to enter high school at the end of the year.
Pray for our ICSJ Teachers and parents who are dedicating themselves to guiding this next generation.
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Imagine feeling really close with God, who loves you always!
Explore and deepen your faith with Alpha’s uplifting series of films and small group discussions.
For more information, visit our Alpha page or contact Jutta Keenan
Scripture Study
Become familiar with scripture with our life-giving Saturday morning Bible study which uses a video series followed by discussion.
For more information, visit our Scripture Study page or contact Marilynn Snider at denandmars@aol.com
Opening Your Heart Women’s Scripture Study
Take an exciting journey closer to the heart of God, form a personal relationship with Christ and find answers to life’s biggest questions through the context of the Catholic faith.
For more information, visit our Opening Your Heart page or contact Jutta Keenan
Decision Coaching Ministry:
Find support on career and life decisions with an experienced life-coach.
For more information, contact Mike Traynor at metraynor@gmail.com
Spiritual Companionship:
Explore the big questions of faith and life one on one with the accompaniment of a spiritual companion..
For more information, contact Denise Ryan at denisebryan07@gmail.com
Women’s Retreat:
Come as you are, find what you need! Rest in God's Great Love at the beautiful Redemptorist Retreat House in Oconomowoc, WI. Our next Retreat will be June 20-23, 2024
For more information, contact Angela Gore
Additional Ideas:
Try Alpha at ICSJ in spring of 2024.
Join our Saturday morning Scripture Study or one of our Faith Sharing Groups.
Join the Opening Your Heart Women’s’ Scripture Study starting November 7th.
Join us for our ICSJ Women’s Retreat (see above) in June 2024 in Wisconsin.
Explore the Hallow App to enrich your faith practice.
Ask God to help you forgive someone who has wronged you or ask forgiveness of someone you have wronged.
Listen to the Jesuitical podcast (designed for young adults and others).
Try a Spiritual Companionship or Decision Coaching Ministry session this year (see info for both, above).
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Imagine brimming with faith and God’s love so that it spills over into every relationship and aspect of your life!
Music Ministry
Share your gift of music with our diverse, dynamic, and Spirit-filled ensemble! Musicians and vocalists of all levels are welcome to join.
For more information, visit our Music Ministry page or contact Kate Ryan
SPRED Ministry
Be a partner to adults with developmental disabilities who are exploring the spiritual awareness of being in communion with God.
For more information, visit our SPRED Ministry page or contact Janice Raclaw at janiceraclaw@verizon.net
Want to become Catholic? RCIA allows adults to receive the Sacraments of Initiation after an educational and spiritual formation process. Join RCIA as a candidate or catechist!
For more information, visit our RCIA page or contact Kevin O’Connell
Religious Education
Help teach the Catholic faith to K-8th graders on Sunday mornings!
For more information, visit either our Educational Ministry or Religious Education pages or contact Kevin O’Connell
Fellowship Group
Join us on the 4th Monday of the month from 7-8:30 p.m. as we reflect on the upcoming Sunday Gospel and how it may apply to our lives today.
For more information, contact Jutta Keenan
Additional Ideas:
Offer assistance today to the many asylum seekers in Chicago’s migrant crisis.
Tell someone how God has been working in your life.
Come to our Morning of Advent Reflection in December with Fr. McBrady and Elly Rodriguez. Watch our bulletin, News from the Pews, for more information.
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Imagine being God’s hands and feet in this world, that desperately needs help and healing!
Refugee Ministry
Accompany one of our refugee families as our parish volunteers welcome them to the community.
For more information, visit our Refugee Ministry page or contact Elly Rodriguez
Ministry of Care
Bring Holy Communion to parishioners in their home or hospital and assist with the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick.
For more information, contact Elly Rodriguez
Homegoing Ministry
Give comfort, support, and service to families suffering loss. Aid in the funeral liturgy planning and support the family the day of the service.
For more information, contact Angela Gore
Knights of Columbus
Engage in charity within our parish community with Knights of Columbus, a Catholic-based fraternal organization.
For more information, contact John Cadogan at jcadogan88@gmail.com
Knit Wits
Knit, crochet or loom baby blankets and/or caps with the Knit Wits!
For more information, contact Kathy Moustis at kmust1@yahoo.com
Lincoln Park-Old Town Parishes Outreach
Take advantage of the many opportunities for community outreach throughout our Lincoln Park-Old Town (LPOT) parish grouping. Parishioners from each parish are encouraged to get involved in order to better serve those in our neighborhoods.
View the LPOT Outreach Calendar here. For more information, contact Elly Rodriguez
Mother of the Americas, Our Sharing Parish
Connect with our Sharing Parish, Mother of Americas in Little Village, through fundraising, donations, and parish events.
For more information, contact Elly Rodriguez
ICSJ Food Ministry
Join our efforts to feed our neighbors by assisting with food donations.
For more information, contact Elly Rodriguez
High Sight
Tutor and support Chicago high school students from low-income families with assignments and test prep.
For more information, contact Elly Rodriguez
Kolbe House Jail Ministry
Provide physical and spiritual support to detainees and individuals recently released from Cook County Jail.
For more information, contact Elly Rodriguez
Purchase much-needed items for the ministry on their Amazon With List page
Wedding Ministry
Become a Wedding Sacristan and help make the sacrament of Marriage special for our ICSJ couples! Assist with rehearsal, prepare the church, and help the couple and guests on the big day.
For more information, contact Kevin O’Connell
Additional Ideas:
Volunteer at one of our annual parish events — our Fall Fundraiser, St. Joseph Table, Taco Fiesta, or our Mary Brunch. Watch our bulletin for more information throughout the year!
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Imagine creating a diverse, loving community where everyone is welcomed and appreciated for who they are!
Hospitality Committee
(Coffee & Donuts)
Host coffee and donuts for parishioners following Mass!
For more information on volunteering at St. Joseph Church, contact Kathy Scherer at kscherer@deloitte.com
For more information on volunteering at I.C. Church, contact Maureen Powers at maureenhaugh@yahoo.com
Welcoming Committee
Welcome our new parishioners via phone, email and special events!
For more information, contact Jutta Keenan
Young Adult Ministry
Find a community grounded in fellowship, spiritual growth, service and recreation with parishioners ages 19-39.
For more information, visit our Young Adult Ministry page or contact Elly Rodriguez
Women’s Book Club
Gather with women from our parish for fellowship and faith sharing.
For more information, contact Angela Gore or Colleen at cm.424.svdp@gmail.com or Martha at Martha_60603@yahoo.com.
Additional Ideas:
Bring a friend to mass or a parish event, i.e. Tunes on a Sunday Afternoon Concert Series, our Parish Fundraiser. Watch our bulletin, News from the Pews, for more event information.
Invite someone in your pew to join you for Coffee & Donuts after our Sunday 11 a.m. Mass.
Introduce yourself and make a new friend every time you go to Mass.
Reach out to a fellow parishioner, family member or neighbor you have not seen or heard from in a while. Listen to what is going on in their life.
Join the “First Friday of the Months Coffee” after 9 a.m. Mass at St. Jospeh Church and bring a relative or friend