ICSJ Parish Refugee Ministry


The ICSJ Parish Refugee Ministry is led by a group of parishioners who are dedicated to welcoming refugee families as they arrive in America and walking alongside them as they adapt to a new country and culture. The group has been diligently working with the Catholic Charities Refugee Resettlement Program and Exodus World Service. Since 2017, ICSJ has welcomed 10 wonderful families and continues to support and maintain friendships with 7


Join Us for These Upcoming Events!

Donate to a Welcome to America! Pack

ICSJ’s partners with Exodus World Service, a Chicagoland-based Christian ministry that mobilizes volunteers to welcome and befriend refugees. Together, in partnership with local Resettlement Agencies like Catholic Charities, we provide household supplies and ongoing relational support for local refugees. This year, we are collecting a Welcome to America! Pack comprised of essential bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom items. Once the items are collected, we’ll need volunteers to help set up the apartments and warmly welcome the families. 

Volunteer for apartment set-up and to welcome a family – email Elly at erodriguez@icsjparish.org

ICSJ Refugee Ministry News


Ways to Be Involved in ICSJ’s Refugee Ministry

Donate to our Refugee Ministry Fund

Your donation to the ICSJ Parish Refugee Ministry Fund allows us to resettle new families and supports our existing families. To see how your donation will be put to work, please see the ICSJ Refugee Ministry News section below. Thank you for your generosity!

Volunteer as a New Neighbor with ICSJ & Exodus World Service

Visit a newly arrived refugee family in Chicago once a week for three months. This is a hands-on way to "welcome the stranger” in our midst. Volunteers and refugees have the opportunity to build bridges of understanding, cross-cultural learning and friendship. Volunteers answer basic questions about life in the U.S., help refugees practice their English and introduce them to their community.

Volunteer as a New Neighbor for Youth with ICSJ & Exodus World Service

Adult volunteers visit weekly for three months with an elementary, middle, or high school student, coordinated with Exodus and the child's parents. Volunteers help increase academic skills and confidence through fun activities, and partner with refugee parents on how to support their child's learning. Resource guides are provided.


Inquire to Learn More About Current Needs

As we walk alongside our existing refugee families, life brings change and new needs arise.  Reach out to learn what the current needs are and if you might be able to help!

Join our ICSJ Refugee Ministry Team

Join our refugee ministry team as we navigate challenges and celebrate victories with our current families and prepare to welcome and support new ones.


“As we fix our gaze on the Holy Family as they were forced to become refugees, let us think of the tragedy of those migrants today who are victims of rejection and exploitation . . . and give voice to those who cannot manage to make their cry of distress and oppression heard.”

— Pope Francis