Get Involved:
Liturgical Opportunities
“It is very much the wish of the church that all the faithful should be led to take that full, conscious, and active part in liturgical celebrations which is demanded by the very nature of the liturgy, and to which the Christian people, ‘a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a redeemed people’ (1 Peter 2:9,4-5) have a right and to which they are bound by reason of their Baptism.”
Engaging in the Liturgy
The priest is not the only person who is called to participate in the Mass, rather all Catholics are called by their baptism to participate in Mass. Becoming involved in one of the ICSJ Parish Liturgical Ministries, listed below, is a great way to become more actively engaged in the Sunday Liturgy.
Children's Liturgy of the Word
Our Children's Liturgy of the Word helps our young children understand the Sunday scripture stories when they come to church. Children aged 4-7 are dismissed during the Liturgy of the Word and participate in lessons and activities designed to make the day's scriptures more child friendly and bring the word of God to life. For more information, click here.
Altar Servers
Becoming an altar server is a great way for young Catholics can be more involved at Mass. Altar servers play a huge role in the Mass and assist the priest in many ways. Altar servers can help at weekly school Masses, weekend parish Masses, and at weddings and funerals. Students in the 6th-8th grade are eligible to volunteer. For more information, please contact Kim Rak, Director of Religious Education. Interested applicants should print, complete and return this Parent Permission Form to the Parish Office.
Ushers and Greeters
Ushers and Greeters welcome visitors at the Weekend Masses and help these liturgies to run smoothly.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Communion Ministers distribute Holy Communion (bread and wine) at Mass. Training is required prior to becoming a Communion Minister. Upon completion of training, the person is then commissioned at Mass and given a certificate from the Archdiocese. Communion Ministers usually serve twice per month.
Lectors Proclaim the Word of God at Mass and for Prayer Services. They also offer the Prayers of the Faithful when a deacon is not present. Upon completion of training, the person is commissioned as a lector and usually serves once per month.
Sunday Sacristans
Sunday Sacristans help before and after Mass to prepare the liturgical items and vessels used at our Sunday liturgies. Training is provided and Sacristans usually serve at least once per month and some even serve every Sunday.
Wedding Sacristans
Wedding Sacristans explain the wedding liturgy and practice the marriage ceremony with the bridal party. Wedding Sacristans also prepare Church for Mass by readying the liturgical items and vessels used at Mass and assist families on the day of the wedding.
Art and Environment
Art and Environment Ministers decorate the Church and gym for Christmas and Easter. These ministers take care of the flowers and other liturgical symbols in Church throughout the year. Art and Environment Ministers can help once per year or many times, there are many opportunities to be involved in the Art and Environment.
Ministers of Care
Ministers of Care are specially trained lay people who take Holy Communion to the sick and homebound.