2024 Second Collections Schedule

As Catholics, we are part of a universal Church that extends beyond our own parish boundaries. Second collections combine our resources to support important causes that carry out the mission of the Church. Please mark you calendar with the dates listed below and thank you for your generosity!

Contributions may be made in-person at Mass or online via GiveCentral by clicking the links below.

Collection 2023 Date(s) Give Online
Collection for the Church in Latin America January 28 DONATE
Annual Catholic Appeal February 3-4,
February 10-11,
February 17-18
Aid for the Church in Central & Eastern Europe February 14 DONATE
Little Sisters of the Poor February 25 DONATE
Sharing Parish: Mother of the Americas* Palm Sunday – March 24 DONATE
Holy Land Good Friday – March 29 DONATE
Catholic Charities Mother's Day – May 12 DONATE
Priests’ Health & Retirement June 9 DONATE
Peter’s Pence June 30 DONATE
Missionary Co-Op Sunday in July/August Link to come
Sharing Parish: Mother of the Americas* ICSJ Taco Fiesta Sunday – July 28 Link to come
Seminarian Education September 22 Link to come
World Mission Sunday October 20 Link to come
Catholic Campaign for Human Development November 17 Link to come
Retirement Fund for Religious December 8 Link to come
Sharing Parish: Mother of the Americas* Feast of the Holy Family – December 29 Link to come

* for the benefit of Mother of the Americas, ICSJ’s Sharing Parish; learn more here