Educational Ministry
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.”
Jesus calls us to be a people who “go forth” to share the Good News of the Gospel so that all people can encounter the love of God. Our parish offers a variety of educational opportunities that focus on introducing students and parishioners to the person of Jesus so that they can embrace the Word of God in their lives, speak about the faith that they share, and relate to one another in a Christian fashion.
Children’s Catechist
A catechist is someone who is called “to echo” the Christian faith. We rely on catechists to instruct and guide the learning of the children in our parish. Training is provided for all new catechists; each catechist receives a teaching manual for his or her grade-level; and on-going support is given to all who serve in the Religious Education program.
Children’s Religious Education meets on Sunday mornings from September to May. Each year we are in need of catechists and aides for a variety of age groups.
RCIA Catechist
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process by which adults enter into the Catholic Church. These women and men come to the Catholic Church in adulthood, and may or may not know anything about the Catholic faith. RCIA catechists form a team that instructs, guides, and mentors these new-comers to help them on the journey towards becoming Catholic.
RCIA meets on a weekly basis from September to May. Team members present material, facilitate group discussion, and lead prayer at these weekly sessions.
Support Catechist
Throughout the year, Immaculate Conception and St. Joseph Parish offers one-time events and retreats. Some of these include the Lenten Bible Study, an Advent Retreat, and spirituality discussions. We often need help with the organization and facilitation of these events. Help at these events could include leading prayer, facilitating group discussion, or the preparation of the space and materials.