Sacramental Preparation
The Sacraments of the Church are tangible signs of the sacred. The Sacraments are not only a sign of God, but they are a sign of God’s action in our world. The seven Sacraments contain rich symbols and meaning that can guide believers into deeper relationship with God. Immaculate Conception and St. Joseph Parish strives to help parishioners understand and apply the meanings of these Sacraments to their every day lives.
Baptism initiates us into the Body of Christ. To learn more about infant baptism, click here. To receive Baptism as an adult, click here.
First Reconciliation
Learning about and receiving the mercy of God can be one of the most powerful experiences in a believer’s life. God’s mercy is given to us through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. At ICSJ Parish we prepare children in the Second Grade to receive Reconciliation.
Children not enrolled in a Catholic school can receive this Sacrament through the Religious Education Program. Children are prepared through lessons grounded in Scripture and Tradition. They complete various activities and lessons to help them prepare to receive Reconciliation. First Reconciliation includes a prayer service for all children receiving the Sacrament and normally occurs in December.
First Communion
The Eucharist is considered the Source and Summit of the Christian life. At Immaculate Conception and St. Joseph Parish, we prepare Second Graders to receive this most glorious Sacrament. Children are prepared through lessons grounded in Scripture and Tradition.
Children not enrolled in a Catholic school can receive this Sacrament through the Religious Education Program. Students must complete First Grade religious education, either in a school or parish setting, before they can receive First Communion in the Second Grade.
Confirmation is one of the Sacraments of Initiation, and a person is considered a full member of the Catholic Church when they have received Confirmation. The ICSJ School and ICSJ Parish Religious Education Programs prepare Confirmation students in the Seventh and Eighth Grade.
Preparing for Confirmation includes the completion of 15 service hours and participating in the Confirmation retreat. Students are required to complete the Seventh Grade religion year in order to receive Confirmation in Eighth Grade.
If you are an adult who would like to be confirmed, please visit our Becoming Catholic page to learn more.
The Sacrament of Marriage is considered a sacred way to live out one’s life as a Christian. To learn about weddings and marriage preparation, please visit our Marriage page.
“In this age of the Church Christ now lives and acts in and with his Church, in a new way appropriate to this new age. He acts through the Sacraments.”
For more information on our Sacramental Preparation programs, please contact Kevin O’Connell, Sacramental Coordinator.