Our Parish Transformation Committee
The ICSJ Parish Transformation Committee, assembled by Fr. Larry, represented a cross-section of IC, SJ and our school community. The Committee consisted of parishioners old and new; parents of children in our school and Religious Education Program; those who are single, married, widowed or divorced; and members of our Parish Pastoral Staff.
John Bitting
Susan Bredemann
Cliff Busse
Martha Chen
John Comer
Margaret Comer
Albert Connor
Lesley Connor
Tom Conroy
Karen Crowley
Kathryn Cunningham
Jon Dante
Karen Dante
Edward Dasso
Heather Dasso
Bob Douglas
Kathy Elliott
Toni Gamble
Liz Gardner
Bob Gendron
Vanessa Harrison
Anita Holmes
Joe Jacobazzi
Jane Kaup
Kyle Kindzierski
Lauren Kindzierski
Kaitlin Larson
Brian Lynch
Brigid Mattingly
Sheila McDonnell
Tom McKane
George Miles
Donna Miles
Leo Mofunanya
Kathleen Morrissey
Kim Morton
Ann Muehlebach
Dirk Muehlebach
Michael Murphy
Louise Nora
Irene Onyeagbako
Joe O’Toole
Mary Alice O’Toole
Mary Pendergast
Maureen Powers
Jess Rezk
Mary Ann Rowan
John Siebert
Tom Slavin
Barb Stephens
Kathleen Tamayo
Jaime Valle
Maria Valle
Alissa Wiedelman
Eric Wiedelman
Nancy Wilke
Betty Woodward
Jeff Yarosz
Stacey Yarosz
Pastoral Staff
Fr. Larry Lisowski, Pastor
Maria Hill, School Principal
Mark Besztery, Business Manager
Mary Beth May, Director of Religious Education
Kate Ryan, Director of Music
Katie Sullivan, School Principal
Steering Committee members in bold